Koelle ZooCyo ControllAqua MedicO

ClariSea fleece filter Generation 3 - The number 1 for crystal clear water

Since 2018, the ClariSea fleece filter has been synonymous with crystal-clear water. Its compact design, the constant innovative further development and the favourable price-performance ratio both in the purchase and especially in the maintenance make the ClariSea fleece filter the quality leader in its segment.

We are pleased that with the introduction of Generation 3, in which modifications have been made, such as the pre-assembled body or the device for an even easier reel change, demand continues to grow and contributes to even more enjoyment of the hobby among your customers.

ClariSea SK-3000 / 5000
The ClariSea fleece filter is a highly efficient water filtration system that effectively removes suspended matter such as microalgae, detritus, food residues, organic waste and sand particles from the water column. Suitable for use in marine aquariums, freshwater aquariums, fish farms and coral nurseries

A ClariSea fleece filter noticeably reduces the accumulation of detritus in your aquarium substrate and filter tank.


Easy manual rewind version
High filtration capacity
Minimal installation required
Completely replaces the need for filter socks
Self-assembly for easy cleaning
Multiple installation options
Manual feed of fleece (upgradeable to automatic feed)
Phosphate-free fleece material
Special low-odour fleece material
Integrated fail-.Safe overflow
Silencer plates for quiet operation
Water bypass system

Technical data

Recommended flow rate: 3.000 l / h
Particle size removal: up to 20 μm
Maximum water depth under water: 20cm (8 ")
Attachment angle height adjustment: Up to 12cm (4 ")
Recommended aquarium size at 5 x tank turnover (3000l / hr) = 600lt
Recommended aquarium size at 4 x tank turnover (3000l / hr) = 750lt
Inlet connection: 32mm
Filter fleece: 10cm (4 ") wide - length 25m (82ft)

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